
Sales Process

The CorsPro blog is here to provide ideas, valuable insights and creative solutions for the presales process.

5 Pitfalls of Incomplete or Inaccurate Sales Proposals

Taking care of your customer starts from the very beginning, with a complete and accurate sales proposal. It takes time – sometimes lots of time. But if you don’t take the time you risk presenting your customer with an inaccurate or incomplete sales proposal. Read about the 5 pitfalls of incomplete or inaccurate sales proposals so you can avoid them.

Why a Good Sales Qualification Process is So Important

Most organizations will say they have a qualification process. But whether or not it’s documented, being specifically and actively used is another story. Without asking the right questions, it’s very difficult to know if your solution is treating the symptom or the problem the prospect is trying to eliminate. Here are 3 main issues with most qualification processes

How to Create Winning Proposals

A proposal is your chance to influence, persuade, and ultimately convince your prospect. That means you need to appeal to the thing they most care about and are interested in. I’ve got a one-word clue for what that is: “Themself”. Not you, not your products and services, and not your marvelous NOC. Your proposal should totally focus on the challenges your customer is facing and your solution to fix them.

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