
Archives for: October 17th, 2016

The CorsPro blog is here to provide ideas, valuable insights and creative solutions for the presales process.

Make Your CRM Do More for You

The biggest benefits of using a CRM comes down to the first two letters – the Customer Relationship.  Proper use of a Customer Relationship Management solution allows for more accurately segmented lists based on buyer personas or buyer’s journey segment (or both).  Knowing WHO your buyer is and WHERE on the journey they are allows you to better target your information and even automate your communications. 

How to Create Winning Proposals

A proposal is your chance to influence, persuade, and ultimately convince your prospect. That means you need to appeal to the thing they most care about and are interested in. I’ve got a one-word clue for what that is: “Themself”. Not you, not your products and services, and not your marvelous NOC. Your proposal should totally focus on the challenges your customer is facing and your solution to fix them.

Hybrid Cloud and the Proposal – What do I do now??

It is interesting that many resellers are still not comfortable in this cloud world. They may say they are a cloud provider but the solutions they put in front of a client do not tell this story. The traditional premise proposals they put on the street tell their story well but the cloud version of that proposal is weak, consisting of mostly stock pdf oriented outputs from the provider.

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