Basic 5-Step Process for Configuring a Solution
It’s easy to enter information into a SalesDoc Architect tab, and to move around and view summaries of what has been configured on a particular tab. Below are some tips for entering information into and viewing information on a SalesDoc Architect tab:
You should also review the Function Button Overview to gain an understanding of the purpose and use of each of SalesDoc Architect’s function buttons (accessed via the Add-Ins tab in Microsoft Excel). For help with installing SalesDoc Architect, see the Help section on Installing SalesDoc Architect.
If you are looking to install SalesDoc Architect so that users have access to data and updates via a shared drive, see the Help topic on Setting Up SalesDoc Architect to Work on a Network. To install the Word2Excel integration with your CRM or contact management system, see the Integration with CRM & Contact Management Systems Help topic. Both options (network setup and CRM integration) are available for SalesDoc Architect Pro subscribers only.
The first time you open up SalesDoc Architect, you should update the default user information (such as your name, company and address) by clicking the “Architect” button, then “Setup”, then “User Setup”. Once entered, this information will automatically be entered into the Base Info tab fields for all new quotations, saving you from having to type in this information for all new quotes that you create.
Generating a quotation from SalesDoc Architect is a simple 5-step process. Now, let’s get started!
Step 1: Enter Basic Info on the Base Info Tab
When SDA is launched, it opens to the Base Info Module. This module displays important information about the quote file. It is here that users will enter information pertaining to their customer and quote (left hand side of module)
System controllers will only be configured if Sale Type is “New System”.
Sale Type – (New System, Add/Delete to New System or Post-Cutover Sale).
Customer Name (short version) Required Field – The short version of the Customer Name will appear on most outputs that will be created for this client.
Site Description Required Field – Enter a brief description, for instance Boston, Harrisburg
Project ID Required Field – Project Identifier for the quote
Sold To Type – (if present on Tab)
Country – (if present on Tab)
Language – (if present on Tab)
Detailed Customer Information – On this section of the Base Info Module, users will enter specific information about the customer (name, address, phone, email, fax)
Quotation Reference Information – This section will allow users to enter information as, order date, job number, P.O number, Agreement number, just to name a few.
Seller Information – In this section information about the company and salesman will be entered (some data will default from setup). There will be a field to enter Comments, if needed.
On the right-hand side of this module users will see information pertaining to the file:
Depending on the outputs you want to create, you can enter other information onto this tab as well. For example, if you want to generate a statement of work, you should fill out the fields in the “Detailed Customer Information” section and enter the agreement and statement of work numbers.
Step 2: Configure the Core Products
CorsPro Client Services team can customize tabs for your company, based on your needs.
Step 3: Adjust Peripheral Products and Services
Users can adjust the default configuration information for services and miscellaneous/peripheral products:
• Go to the MiscProd Tab or Dynamic SOW Tab depending on your particular SDA set-up.
• Enter or select the desired information
Users might select the number of UPS backup hours that they desire, or select the appropriate first year support plan
Step 4: Set Customer Discounts
Step 5: Generate Outputs
Now that you’ve configured your turnkey system and set the customer discounts, you’re ready to create a variety of outputs from SalesDoc Architect. When you click the “Outputs” button, you will be presented with a list of possible outputs.
Some examples of Outputs are:
You can also generate a Word-based SOW simply by clicking “Outputs” then “Generate Statement of Work”. Since SDA “knows” your specific configuration, it is able to select the appropriate statement of work components from the library of statement of work “sub-documents” and piece them together into a cohesive Word-based document.
Some clients use other forms, memos, documents, then what is available. If there is an output document not on list that the company generates, contact Clients Services to discuss customizing the output.
Now that you have configured a solution with SalesDoc Architect and created outputs, you can save any of these files just as you would any other Microsoft Office file. Make sure to save the quote file, which contains “live” configuration logic, so that you can later pull it up to modify it or create more outputs. You can recognize a quote file because it always starts with “Quote” and ends in some number (e.g., “Quote1”).
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