Auto-Saving to SharePoint
SDA Dashboard & SharePoint integration Guide
There are numerous benefits to integrating SharePoint with your SalesDoc Architect (SDA) solution. The following questionnaire covers the decisions that need to be made before implementing these integrations.
- Which version of SharePoint are you utilizing?
- SharePoint Online (Office 365)
- SharePoint Online with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), requiring each user to be set up for MFA via O365’s admin
- SharePoint On-Premise 2013-2019 with web access, meaning users can access SharePoint via the internet without requiring login to the corporate network
- SharePoint On-Premise 2013-2019 with internal network access only (not recommended)
- What is the URL of your SharePoint site collection?(for example,, or if it’s a subsite of your main SharePoint URL)See Appendix 2: Setting up a SharePoint Online site collection for instructions on setting up a new site collection
- Would you like for SDA to auto-create SharePoint subsites for each new sales opportunity?If not, your admin and/or your users will need to create your own subsites, and users will be required to browse for the save-to subsite when they first save a quote file
Quote and Output File Auto-Saving
SDA must be configured (on the Base Info tab) to auto-name quote and output files. Please see Appendix 1: Setting up quote and output file auto-saving.
- Would you like to utilize CorsPro’s recommended auto-saving/auto-naming setup, or something different?
Update: Please note that with the enhancements made to the Dashboard, there’s an easier way to set up Auto-Saving rather than in the BaseInfo Tab. See File Auto-Saving in the Admin Guide for SDA Dashboard.
SDA Dashboard
- Do you want all users to be able to see all opportunities? If no, you can define the hierarchy by tagging a manager for each user via Administration >> Users in the Dashboard. Note: A user who has no manager can see all opportunities.
- What sales opportunity statuses/stages would you like to set up, and which should be the default “starting” stage? For example, you might have “Open”, “Proposed”, “Won” and “Lost” as your sales opportunity stages, with “Open” as default. Clients can define sales statuses/stages via Administration >> Opportunity Stages in the Dashboard, along with a default close percent and order that they should appear in the status/stage drop-down.
- Is there any custom data that you’d like to roll up into the quote or opportunity data in the Dashboard? Client-defined fields can be added via Administration >> Client Defined Fields in the Dashboard, along with setting up Excel named ranges in the quote file as needed.
Add-On Sales Handling
- How would you like to save quote/output files for small (post-project) add-on sales? Note: In most cases, creating new sales opportunities and new SharePoint subsites is overkill for small add-on sales
- Save as a new SharePoint subsite (not recommended)
- Auto-save to one or more “add-ons” site(s)
- Manually save to project sites
Appendix 1: Setting up Quote & Output File Auto-Saving
Quote and output file auto-saving is set up by adding the following Named Ranges to the Base Info tab:
- FileSaveName. Enter a formula that calculates the filename excluding the file extension (XLS or XLSX).
- Recommended setup: [CustomerName]-[SiteName]-[CreationDateTime]-V[QuoteVersionNumber], for example Acme-Boston-202002171218-V1. However, you can incorporate other elements as well, including the auto-generated QuoteNumber.
- OutputFileSaveName. Enter a formula that calculates the filename excluding the file extension (XLS or XLSX).
- Recommended setup: [CustomerName]-[OutputType or OutputInfo of the outputs.xlsx file]-[CreationDateTime]-V[QuoteVersionNumber], for example Acme-Proposal-202002171218-V1.
- LocalSaveFolder. Enter a formula that calculates the local folder to which the quote file should be saved. All files are first saved locally, then pushed to the shared file location in SharePoint.
- Recommended setup: C:\[My Documents path]\CorsProQuotes\[CompanyName], for example C:\Users\[Username]\Documents\CorsProQuotes\Acme.
- QuoteVersionNumber. This allows users to input a quote version number and should be set up as an unprotected cell.
- FileSaveStatus. Enter a formula into this cell that checks for the existence of the key data (i.e., that’s non-blank) that’s used to construct the FileSaveName, OutputFileSaveName or LocalSaveFolder. If any data is missing, an error message can be programmed to appear to the user and prevent the file from being saved until the missing data is provided.
- FilePlatform. For SharePoint, the FilePlatform value should always be set to “SharePoint”.
- SharePointSiteURL. Populate (ending with “Shared Documents”) if you wish to directly save files to a pre-determined, already-created SharePoint sub-site. Otherwise, keep it in the file but leave it blank.
- Add the following named range if you wish to 1) auto-create subsites for each new sales opportunity, and/or 2) enable users to create subsites via Architect >> Setup >> Create SharePoint subsite:
- Add the following named range only if sub-sites should be auto-created for each new sales opportunity:
- SharePointSiteTitle. Enter a formula that calculates the title (description) of the newly created SharePoint sub-site. Recommended setup: [CompanyName] ([OpportunityName])-[OpportunityID], for example Acme (Hosted communications system)-100005.
If SharePointSiteURL is blank or doesn’t exist, and also one or the other of SharePointSiteCollectionURL and SharePointSiteTitle are blank or don’t exist, then users will be prompted to browse for the save location in SharePoint based on the URL entered when the user registers as a SharePoint user within SDA via Add-Ins >> Architect >> Setup >> Register as SharePoint user.
Detailed instructions on setting up file auto-saving/auto-naming – including additional options and functionality – are found in the “Auto-Saving Files” section of the Architect Manager User Guide.
More Information
Update: Please note that with the enhancements made to the Dashboard, there’s an easier way to set up Auto-Saving rather than in the BaseInfo Tab. See File Auto-Saving in the Admin Guide for SDA Dashboard.