Update: Please note that with the enhancements made to the Dashboard, there’s an easier way to set up Auto-Saving rather than in the BaseInfo Tab. See File Auto-Saving in the Admin Guide for SDA Dashboard.
CorsPro’s SalesDoc Architect (SDA) integrates with SharePoint, Microsoft’s collaboration and document management platform, to automate the saving and storage of SDA quote and output files.
There are 3 main steps to be completed by the SharePoint administrator to set up SharePoint integration with SDA:
1. Set up a Site Collection
It is suggested to name the site collection as “Opportunities YYYY”, with “YYYY” representing the current year. To set up a site collection follow the steps below
In the “new site collection” dialog (below), enter “Opportunities YYYY” as the Title and “opportunitiesYYYY” into the third “Web Site Address” box, with “YYYY” representing the current year
** After clicking OK, the site creation may take several minutes**.
When the Collection is created “NEW” will be added as in the following example:
2. Set up Metadata Columns
Add one or more metadata columns to facilitate searches and filtering
Column D from outputs.xls (from the c:\CorsPro\PQuote\Data folder)
Also add the following metadata columns, making sure to select “CorsPro” as the “Existing Group” under which these columns should be grouped:
Do NOT set up the following within the site collection:
When finished, the following metadata columns listed in the “CorsPro” grouping will be shown:
3. Set up a CorsPro Site Template
Set up a site template called “CorsPro” (based on the site collection) to use as the template for new SDA-related SharePoint sites. This “CorsPro” template is REQUIRED for SDA to auto-create SharePoint sites.
To modify the CorsPro template, as to add other metadata column:
When complete your Site will look like the page below:
Set up the Base Info tab for SharePoint
Add “FilePlatform” named range
“SharePoint” should be the value to drive saving to SharePoint
For SDA to auto-create SharePoint sites (by OpportunityID):
When a new opportunity is set up in SDA, a SharePoint site can be auto-created for the opportunity. The URL of the new site will be the value in a SharePointSiteCollectionURL named range on the Base Info tab plus the new opportunity ID, and the title of the site will be named based on the value in a SharePointSiteTitle named range on the Base Info tab.
CRMOppName (which is stored on a hidden tab within SDA quote files)
Also insert “&OpportunityID&” as a variable within the formula, which will be auto-replaced with the actual opportunity ID when the SharePoint site is set up. It is recommended to add this to SharePointSiteTitle as this is a great way to search for the subsite using SharePoint’s subsite search function.
Example: =”&OpportunityID&”&” – “&CustomerName&” (“&CRMOppName&”)” which might end up looking something like
“100185 – Acme (IP Office)”
To auto-save to existing SharePoint sites (not needed if sites are auto-created):
Auto-save requirements for the Base Info tab
For further details on setting up auto-saving for quotes and outputs, see the “Auto-Saving Files” topic within the Architect Manager User Guide