Proposal Configuration Logic

A product or services configuration tab can be used to configure document sections that will appear in Word-based output documents. Typically, a configuration tab would be used to configure document sections that are not associated with parts or items, as doc sections are associated with parts and items in the SDA database.


Document sections that should be configured on a configuration tab include those that:



Documents are configured within the DocSections range on a configuration tab.



Add new documents



These external documents must be found in the CorsPro\PropGen\Data folder, and the section must be defined as an External Object Type in the Library Manager database.


When an output document is generated, SDA automatically and dynamically creates (in the CorsPro\PropGen\Data folder) an output file called pricequote.doc that contains the schedule of equipment and services for the quote.


Usually, pricequote.doc will be the only external file listed in Column D, since all other documents can be placed within the Library Manager database.


Define the document template that will form the basis of output documents into which the document sections will be inserted.




Reference the PropDocType variable in the formula to specify different templates for :



The PropDocType variable will change to Proposal, SOW or Proposal+SOW depending on whether the end user chooses to generate a Proposal, SOW or Proposal/SOW combo document.


To change the document template depending on the PropDocType that the end user selects, you might insert a formula into the DocTemplate cell similar to the following:


=IF(PropDocType=”Proposal”,[Template Name],IF(PropDocType=”SOW”,[Template Name],[Template Name]))


Configuring document sections on an Excel tab as described above is just one methodology for configuring document sections.


Associate a document called PC-Implementation with each of the 50 PC part numbers described in our example from above. Alternatively, associate the PC-Implementation document with the PC item, which in turn is associated with each of the 50 PC part numbers. In either case, when users generate a proposal or statement of work, the PC-Implementation document will be inserted in the final document if any of the 50 PC part numbers are configured in the SDA quote file.


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