The following provides an overview of the Function Buttons in SalesDoc Architect’s menu.
The New button allows you to open up a new “blank” quotation file.
Creates a new quote file based on the current quote file. All of the information on the Base Info tab and the customer discounts that you’ve already entered on the Pricing tab will be transferred to the new quote file. This function is especially useful for adds/deletes to quotations that you’ve already done, saving you time by reducing re-keying, while also ensuring that you are consistently discounting to your customers.
Opens a file that was just downloaded from the SDA Dashboard.
Reinserts the user’s data (set in User setup ) into the active quote file.
Provides access to the following sub-menu selections:
Updates pushed out by your administrator are automatically downloaded, then subsequently auto-installed. This option enables you to download and immediately install updates. You can also download BETA updates from your administrator.
Select “Show cost” if you wish to show costs within the quote file and “Don’t show cost” if you wish to hide costs within the quote file. The “Don’t show cost” option is useful when you are creating quotations while customers or prospects are watching.
Connects the quote file to an external Excel file containing customer-specific sell pricing (and, optionally, customer-specific costs). For more information on this functionality, please see the Customer-Specific Pricing help topic.
If enabled for your company (otherwise this option will not appear on the menu), this sub-menu enables you to:
Works in conjunction with the SDA Dashboard in the cloud, allowing you to:
By clicking this item, you will be presented with a list of tabs that you can bring into SalesDoc Architect. Select one or more tabs, then click “Open.” You can select multiple tabs to bring into the quotation by holding the Control key while you are selecting the tabs. You can also bring in multiple iterations of a single product tab by using this function multiple times.
Inserts a note that will appear on the schedule of equipment and services. There are two types of notes:
The rest of the items in this menu enable you to insert content (bullets, sub-bullets, paragraphs, headers, images, doc files) into a dynamic content “block” that is pushed to Microsoft Word outputs. For more information, please see the Dynamic Content Creator help topic.
Looks into the SalesDoc Architect database to update the product tab with the latest pricing, costs and engineering information associated with each part on the tab. This option is also used on the Write-In tab to look up parts entered on that tab to determine if they exist within the SalesDoc Architect database, in which case the pricing, costs and engineering information will be pulled in for the part(s).
Performs the “Update this tab” function for all tabs located within a particular quote file. Use this function if you wish to “refresh” the pricing, costing and engineering information within the quote file, especially if you want to update an old quotation. Please note that when this function is performed, the Pricing Date will be updated on the Pricing tab or BaseInfo tab (depending on the particular configuration).
Use this function to delete a product tab that you no longer need, or to delete an old version of a product configuration tab so that a newer version can be re-imported via the Get Tabs function. This button is also used to REMOVE data from the Write-In tab, since the Write-In tab cannot itself be deleted.
Deletes the current tab and instantaneously brings in a new (blank) version of the same tab with no user inputs. This function makes it easy for users to update a tab to the latest version. The version dates of the tab in the current quote file and the latest version of the same tab can be found at the top of the tab in the current quote file. If there is a newer tab version available, the “Tab version:” label will turn red and the version date of the latest tab will be displayed.
Deletes the current tab and instantaneously brings in a new version of the same tab, including the user inputs from the old version of the tab. Please note that in order to accept current user inputs from the old tab, the replacement tab must have been set up by your administrator to do so.
Replaces ALL out-of-date tabs, pushing user inputs from the old version of each tab to the new version of each tab. Please note that in order to accept current user inputs from the old tabs, the replacement tabs must have been set up by your administrator to do so.
This function enables you to LOCK the cost of items so that they’re not over-written when an ‘update tab’ function is performed, which can reset the cost back to what’s in the SDA database. This function is normally only needed for items inserted into the quote file from the Price Book for which the cost is manually modified by the user (e.g., for special pricing from a manufacturer). This function is NOT needed for items imported into a quote file if the “Get pricing from import file (not database)” checkbox was checked when the import function was performed.
Updates the Element Name for all selected rows so that you can create multi-site/multi-element outputs that break out the schedules of equipment and services by Element Name. Use the Control or Shift keys to select multiple rows of data.
Updates the Product Category – which is how items are grouped on schedules of equipment and services – for all selected rows. Use the Control or Shift keys to select multiple rows of data.
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