Pushing MRC/NRC Totals as Variables to Word Outputs


For Administrators

Following are the steps on how to sum up Monthly Recurring Cost (MRC) and Non-Recurring Cost (NRC) totals and push them as variables to Word outputs:

  1. You will need to update the raw BaseInfo Tab.
  2. Create two new variables within the DocVariables Named Range; one for MRC and one for NRC.
    • &MRCTotal& for Monthly Recurring Total (example)
    • …and &NRCTotal& for Non-Recurring Total (example)
    • Make sure there are no spaces before, after or within your variable name.
    • Make sure your new Variables are within the DocVariables range.
  3. For MRC use the SUMIF formula to calculate all of the PriceCat Names that you want to be included in that total.
    • The syntax for the formula is: =SUMIF(Item,”[MSRP, or Sell, or Cost][Item Name]”,ItemTotal)
    • Use the Pricing Category name from the Pricing Tab. Example:  “MitelMonthlyMVB”
    • Choose whether you want to total the MSRP, Sell, or Cost
    • In this example I want to total all of the Sell prices for my monthly recurring categories, so I would use: =SUMIF(Item,”SellMitelSubscription1″,ItemTotal)+SUMIF(Item,”SellMitelSubscription2″,ItemTotal)+SUMIF(Item,”SellMitelMonthlyMVB”,ItemTotal)+SUMIF(Item,”SellMitelMonthlyND”,ItemTotal)+SUMIF(Item,”SellMitelMonthlyPeripherals”,ItemTotal)+SUMIF(Item,”SellMitelMonthlyTP”,ItemTotal)
  4. For NRC use a formula to calculate all the other pricing minus the MRC to make sure you capture all other MSRP/Sell/Cost totals.
    • Example: =EquipSvcsSell-[cell address where MRC is totaled]
  5. Test your formulas in a live quote to ensure they are calculating correctly and that you have not misspelled anything or missed an important part of the formula.


Add a Variable to your Output

  1. In Library Manager, open the Doc Section in which you want to add the MRC and/or NRC totals variable or create a new DocSection for the totals.
  2. Enter the Variables on the Doc Section (see example)
  3. Save and Close
  4. Test the output



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