A SalesDoc Architect quote file is an Excel file comprised of several elements, including FUNCTION BUTTONS at the top and DATA TABS at the bottom.
Each quote file contains three core data modules
Base Info Tab – contains contact and other information regarding the prospect and seller that feeds into variables found in a hidden section at the bottom of the Base Info Tab. When an output is generated, SDA uses this tab as the source of the variables to search for in the output document, along with the data that each variable is replaced with. The raw version of the Base Info Tab, which can be modified by the Architect Manager Admin, can be found in the c:\CorsPro\PQuote\Data folder.
Pricing Tab – The Pricing Tab enables users to set markups and discounts against each pricing category (or “PriceCat”) to set customer sell pricing. Users can also modify discounts against each vendor/manufacturer discount category (or Vendor discount category) to calculate net costing to the reseller. The Pricing Tab is not modifiable by the Architect Manager Admin. Instead, it is built based on the pricing category and vendor discount category data in the SDA database, which can be accessed and modified using the Architect Manager application.
Write-In Tab – The Write-In Tab is used to add parts by manually typing in the details of the parts that a user wants to add to a quote. The Write-In Tab is also the landing spot for parts that are imported from various vendor and manufacturer configuration tools. It is a core tab that is not modifiable by the Architect Manager Admin.
Product configuration and document selection tabs can also be incorporated into SDA quote files, either by importing these tabs on a quote-by-quote basis via Insert >> Tab or by specifying one or more of these tabs as default tabs within a Quote Template .
SDA Folder/File Structure
SDA Managers should become familiar with SDA’s folder and file structure, as there are numerous files that can be customized to meet the needs of an organization. Below is a summary of the file structure, all of which exists under the installation folder (usually c:\CorsPro ).