User Maintenance

Administrators can manage users by clicking on their name in the top right of the View and selecting Admin, then clicking Users in the left-hand panel

Administrators have the authority to add users, delete users, edit user information, assign Company Roles, and assign Builder Roles (if your company subscribes to the RFP Response Builder application).

You can update an individual user by clicking on the Email link for the user or double-clicking anywhere else in the user’s row.  For some functions , you can update multiple users at once by clicking the checkbox next to the appropriate users, then selecting an option from the Actions menu.

Add a User

The Administrator has the authority to add new users.  Follow the steps below to add a new user:

  1. In Admin >> Users go to the Actions menu and choose Add User
  2. Complete the information in the pop up window including the user’s company email address
  3. If the user will have an administrative role, check the admin box.
  4. Users will automatically be assigned a password
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. Generate Password Email to new user (see below)


**Reminder: let your users know they will need to register as a user at the Desktop via Architect >> Setup >> Register as SalesDoc Architect user.**

Please contact to change your subscription licenses (license counts are not changed automatically through adding/deleting users in the Dashboard)

Email User Password

The Administrator can send an email with the user’s password and download links to install the SDA application suite if they are a new user.

  1. In Admin >> Users check the box(es) next to the user(s) to whom you wish to send the email.
  2. In the Actions menu, choose Email Password

Reset Password

Users can reset their password – or request a password reset when they forget their password – by clicking the “Forgot password” link in the Dashboard login page.  This is not an Administrator function.

Delete a User

To permanently delete a user from having access to SalesDoc Architect (desktop and Dashboard):

  1. In Admin >> Users check the box(es) next to the user(s) you wish to delete .
  2. In the Actions menu, choose Delete User.


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