The Actions menu allows users to perform certain actions depending on what View or window they are currently in. Some Action examples are Add Opportunity, Delete Opportunity, Delete Quote(s), Reassign Quote(s), etc.
Builder Role
These roles are specific to users that have the RFP Response Builder Module.
Quote / Quote Files
The Quote File is the Excel file that contains customer, pricing, configuration, etc. Each Opportunity will have one or more separate Quote Files associated.
SDA is short for SalesDoc Architect which is the software you use to create a Quote File.
Sibling Data
Opportunity data that other team members at the same level in the Company Role hierarchy can optionally see. For example, Sales Engineer East and Sales Engineer West might be at the same level within the Company Role hierarchy, and normally they would only see the data within their specific role and that of their “child” roles unless they checked the “Show Sibling Data” checkbox. This enables roles to “cover” for each other during busy periods or when lots of people are on vacation or traveling.
The View is the columns and rows of data that you see in the SDA Dashboard.
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