Importable Fields on Write-In Module

When importing parts into the Write-in module from an external spreadsheet, the field names in the first row of the spreadsheet must exactly match the field names used on the Write-In module (although capitalization does not have to match). Following is the list of Write-in module field names that can be imported via an external spreadsheet. See Architect Manager for a template.


Required Fields


Qty – Enter the number or items.
Part Number – Enter the part identifier from manufacturer.


Recommended Fields


Description – Enter the description for the part.

Disc Cat – The “Disc Cat” should match one of the Vendor Discount Categories found on the Pricing Module.


Import one or more of the following:


Unit MSRP – import “Unit MSRP” if the basis for the Vendor Discount Category (or “Disc Cat”) for the part is either “List” (meaning MSRP) or “VAR List”.

VAR List – Enter only if the basis for the Vendor Discount Category is “VAR List”.

Unit Cost – Enter only if the basis for the Vendor Discount Category is “Cost”.

Price Cat – The Price Cat is used for applying customer discounts off of MSRP (list price) or markups over cost for each item, and should match one of the “Pricing categories for customer discounts” found on the Pricing Module.

Product Cat – The Product Cat is used to sort the write-in item along with other similar items on forms and other output documents, and should match one of the Product Categories found in the drop-down box contained within the Product Cat column of the Write-in Module.


Optional Fields


Unit Inst Hrs –  Enter the number of installation hours per quantity 1 of the part (SalesDoc Architect will automatically multiply this per-unit value by the quantity).

Unit Design Hrs – Enter the number of design hours per quantity 1 of the part (SalesDoc Architect will automatically multiply this per-unit value by the quantity).

Labor Cat – Enter the labor category for this item. SalesDoc Architect summarizes the labor hours for each category so that different prices/costs can be applied to each. An entry is only required if there are install and/or design hours entered against the item, and must match one of the Labor Categories found in the drop-down box contained within the Labor Cat column of the Write-in Module.

Rack Type – Enter the type of rack on which the item should be placed, if any. The entry must match one of the Rack Types found in the drop-down box contained within the Rack Type column of the Write-in Module

Rack Slots – Enter the number of rack positions/slots occupied by a single unit of this part number.


There are 45 rack positions on a typical 7-foot rack.



Shelves – Enter the number of shelves occupied by a single unit of this item.


In many cases, items can be mounted to a rack and do not need a shelf.



Volt Amps – Enter the number of volt-amps for a single unit of this item that should be backed up via a UPS.

Vendor – Enter the name of the vendor who manufactured the product. The vendor name will appear on various SalesDoc Architect outputs.

Element Name – Enter the name of the “element” to which the part belongs. Often, the Element Name is a site or location (e.g., “Detroit” or “Equipment Room”). The element name can be shown on the schedule of equipment and services if the “Show Element Name” box is checked on the “Generate customer pricing” dialog.


Optional Fields for Expert Users


MDF – Enter the dollar amount for the materials required to assemble the MDF (main distribution frame) for a single unit of this item.

Item Cat – Enter the item category (if any) that should be tracked for this item. Item categories are used for other calculations.


To write in a new SX-2000 PBX control node, select the “SX-2000” item so that other items and labor hours that are associated with “SX-2000” can be properly configured. The entry must match one of the Item Categories found in the drop-down box contained within the Item Cat column of the Write-in Module


Item Qty – Enter the “pack” quantity for a single unit of this part number.


To write in a new IP 12-pack, choose “SetIP” as the Item Category and enter 12 as the per unit item quantity.




Unit Cost – This value is auto-calculated based on the “Disc Cat” and “Price” fields above, but users can over-write the auto-calculation if you include this field in your import spreadsheet.


We recommend that users do NOT import this field unless they want to specifically over-write the auto-calculation.



Unit Sell – This value is auto-calculated based on the discount or markup that users apply against the Pricing Category (on the Pricing Module) associated with each part.


We recommend that users do NOT import this field unless they want to specifically over-write the auto-calculation.



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